Monday, March 16, 2009

4th Picture-4th file

I just saw that I was tagged by Natalia who was tagged by coco to put up the 4th photo in your 4th picture file. Well, here she is! SO REAL! I LOVE IT!

I hearby tagg-AMY I.- Ta-chi P.-Dave N.-Matt N. YOU BETTA BRING IT!


Allen said...

Good one! It's the cousin twins. Can't get enough of you two. PS I tagged you the same time I tagged Nat. It's like this giant web of tag. Love ya!!

Natalie and company said...

AAAHHHH Whitney, I always have loved that face! But do you remember THE RABBIT!!! I miss that little munching and sniffing bunny!

The Nelsons said...

What is this game you speak of? Rules? Guidelines? Derrr...???